Wednesday, September 5, 2012

 The good news early Wednesday morning was that the DNC decided to have Pres. Obama’s speech on Thursday at the Time Warner Cable arena, where we are now, instead of the big outdoor football stadium. A forecast of thunderstorms made it a good idea to stay indoors. There have been fairly regular afternoon storms since we’ve been here. So it would have been a soggy crowd.

 Tuesday night we saw Michelle Obama give an impassioned speech about her husband their vision for the country. She wore an elegant dress by Tracy Reese. The reason I know that is a journalist friend, Maria Puente, who writes the Lifeline Live blog for USA Today.              She used one of the photos I took and talked about dress and the designer. 

My photo spot is at the center position again, with a great view of the stage. Here’s the view showing all our equipment and my friend Alex from Getty Images working on his computer. It’s a similar set up to the RNC in Tampa, with a little more workspace. We photographers are here for pretty much the whole night session, so I have some snacks and water. The food is improving, here at the arena I had a bbq pulled pork sandwich yesterday and today. There is a grill that looks good, I may try that tomorrow. The big speaker tonight will be Bill Clinton and delegates are starting to come into the hall.

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