Oct 2
Finally left Washington about 10pm Wednesday night for Grand Rapids, Michigan. Very gray cold Thursday morning, threatening rain for the 2 outdoor rallies today. We get to Calder Plaza in Grand Rapids where there is a giant red Calder sculpture in the midst of the crowd. Makes for a nice backdrop for pictures. Everyone on media bus and campaign staff are freezing, since we didn't expect temps in the 40's. Crowd estimate at 18,000 by local sheriff, surprising since people say it's a very Republican part of the state.
On to East Lansing and Michigan State campus, where, for some reason, campaign expected only a few thousand, probably got 10,000 or more. Small group of McCain supporters holding signs greeting people as they arrive for rally. Photographed a small black dog, Ace, with Obama sweater on. Wildly enthusiastic crowd, lots of students of all colors going wild. Especially when Obama walks the front row to shake hands after the rally.
Starting to remember some of his lines, after hearing similar speeches over 3 days: "If
anyone makes under $250,000, let's see a show of hands" (everyone in audience raises hands), "My opponent (sometimes mentions Mc Cain by name) has lobbyists working for the campaign. If you think the lobbyists are working hard to eliminate their jobs, I've got a bridge in Alaska to sell you", etc.
Apparently tomorrow or maybe tonight is the Obama's wedding anniversary. Presumably they will celebrate tomorrow night when we are in Chicago, there is some sort

And lots of people seem to have iPhones here, mainly for entertainment value. There are amazing numbers of things you can download- games, anything. Alex the AP photog has some sort of Star Wars ‘light saber’ photo and noise where you can wave the iPhone around and you get that noise from the movie. So one of the Secret Service agents assigned to watch us had to get it. So they have a ‘duel’ on the pool bus as we wait for Obama to leave Michigan State. We are easily amused.
People gathering in hotel bar to watch VP debate tonight, perhaps to see how bad Palin is.
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