Here’s the best slogan so far:

Well, our Socceroos were “mauled” by Germany last night, as the Sydney Morning Herald put it, 4-0. The lads had a rough time against a much more organized team. Adam, the Socceroos main media guy said the Germans just seemed bigger and taller. But he also said, that’s soccer, and is looking forward to the next game. 
AFP has about 45-50 photographers in South Africa covering all the teams and games, I remained in Muldersdrift outside of Johannesburg for the weekend. There were already a couple photographers in Durban, where the Australians played as well as a one of 4 traveling ‘photo teams’ of 3 photographers who cover every game.

Training was subdued today, many members of the team stayed behind at the hotel to work out or stretch. The ones who came seemed up beat, not discouraged by the loss. It was much earlier than in the past, 12:15 pm start at the nearby Ruimsig Stadium. We shot photos for about an hour, then sat in the shade of a fence to send the photos.
Technical-wise, we are provided with all the tools. The cell system in South Africa seems fairly advanced, I can be way out in the country side somewhere and still get a signal, my blackberry works with email practically anywhere. And we are given a 3G wireless card for our computer, with that we can send photos from anywhere, as long as we can get a signal. Unless it doesn’t work, like today. I’ve been having an intermittent problem that the computer doesn’t recognize the device in the USB slot, usually happens when I really need to use it. I called the AFP technicians in the Johannesburg bureau, 2 Frenchmen helped me. Or rather it seemed like they were shrugging a lot when I described the problem, not really knowing the solution. Eventually, the card began working and pictures got out.
Just saw this amazing sight in the western sky, the crescent moon and Venus after sunset. Double click on the picture to see Venus better.
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